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Mathematics is a core subject in the curriculum with St. Edmund's facilities and teaching team provide an ideal learning environment for all pupils.

If you want to understand and interrogate the world, a good grounding in Mathematics is essential. At St. Edmund’s, we bring the subject to life by locating our studies in the real world, giving our pupils the freedom to explore topics that excite and inspire them. At the heart of Mathematical study is the development of the skills of logic, reasoning and independent thinking. We aim to help all children to progress within the curriculum but, equally, we work to develop the confident thinking that is the natural outcome of mathematics. At the same time we hope to foster an appreciation of the elegance of mathematical ideas along with a recognition of their central role in many disciplines. We therefore emphasise the importance of numeracy along with the ability to model real-life problems.

In Maths it is important to model abstract thought and so we use physical manipulatives including coins, dice, counters, and place values charts.  This enables the pupils to explain the ideas for themselves.  We reinforce the use of correct terminology so that every student can verbalise their mathematical understanding.  Alongside English, we encourage the pupils to spend 5 minutes a day completing tasks on Doodle Learning.  This reinforces key concepts, working at the child's individual pace and adapting to their learning goals. We award badges and Show- Ups for the completion of work in Doodle Learning to ensure that home learning is a fun and positive experience.