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Wellbeing At St. Edmund’s

Ensuring that our students are healthy, in body and mind, is of upmost importance at St. Edmund’s.

As a school we are very aware of the pressures that our young people are under, so it is important that the environment around them is a happy and healthy one and that they feel safe and secure, both physically and mentally.

The wellbeing of your child is imperative and school life can influence many dimensions of this. At St. Edmund’s we not only provide a good academic and physical education but also endeavour to nurture and support your child through the social and emotional aspects of life. Whether this be playground friendships, new challenges or family matters. We believe that every pupil has the right to be heard and that this allows them to feel understood. If your child is thriving emotionally, they are able to thrive in the other aspects of their life too.

Even as our school grows we are able to really get to know your children. There is a whole school approach to wellbeing at St. Edmund’s from Dr Walliker and the web of pastoral support, from Heads of Years and Tutors, to academic, sports and support staff. Staff are quickly attuned to when a child seems to be struggling and we meet regularly to share concerns and recommend interventions. This approach is supported through our PSHE programme, music, drama and sporting events, as well as community activities. We have a dedicated Health Centre which is integral to our pastoral provision and can provide a safe haven when pupils feel they need time and space to process their emotions.  In addition, we offer a counselling service for pupils who may wish to talk with a trained professional who can help to support them. 

We have a dedicated ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) team of three  to support the emotional needs of our pupils.  We deliver individualised support programmes to meet the emotional needs of our pupils. We recognise that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are addressed. 

We aim to make a difference through our consistent approach and sessions are provided with regularity in a welcoming space in the main school building, in order to enable continuity of support.  We liaise regularly with our teachers in order to discuss progress and check whether new skills are being transferred to class.  As part of our role pupils are helped to find their own solutions rather than us telling them what to do! 

We hope that through this school community approach we will provide the children with the opportunities to be responsible for their own wellbeing and recognise when they need support.